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Good comprehensive take on it.

I am still suspicious the AA community is another serious crutch in this though. Most US (blue) cities that have strict gun enforcement laws find themselves caught between their strict gun laws and policing these communities. A kind of lose-lose situation for them. So they resolve to write strong laws on the books while being incapable of enforcing it on the communities most susceptible for this violence. That isn't true in all of those cities though; NYC I believe has done a good job at this, but comparing that to big hot beds in places like Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Orleans, or Chicago, it really skews the problem in serious ways.

While I think it is still good to point out that even when controlling for that, you are still looking at 4x more than Switzerland. It is a massive challenge to policymakers in the US when their vision of this problem is colored by the "gun-toting redneck" and not the actual major centers of gun violence in the US.

Gun advocates have their own challenges on this for their own failures to confront the problems here. But policymakers will never get these laws working if they have the perspective that the enforcement of it (policing) is regarded as ontologically bigoted to the people they need to police.

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